
Most Common Swing Characteristics that Cause Lower Back Pain


Lower Back Injury Inducing Swing Mechanics:

Here is a list of the most common lower back injury inducing swing characteristics (see Swing Characteristics for full descriptions):

  • S-Posture:
  • Reverse Spine Angle:
  • Early Extension
  • Restricted Right Leg Follow-Through
  • Reverse “C” Finish: 


“S” Posture:

Excessive lordosis in the lumbar spine causes inhibition of the abdominal and glute muscles. This position can lead to loss of posture, reverse spine angles, early extension and of course, lower back pain. Normal anterior tilt of the pelvis at address should be 15-25 degrees anterior.

The golfer may have been told to stick their butt out and they do this by going into hyperlordosis. This immediately inhibits the abs and gluts. Or they are lower crossed and the same inhibition occurs. 


Reverse Spine Angle:

The golfer uses their back muscles to go into too much extension on the backswing – this will directly effect the rate and amount of crunch factor that the lumbar spine will be subjected to at impact.  You can see there trunk pointing towards the target at the top of the swing.


Early Extension:


The golfers goes into rapid hip and spine extension during the downswing – this inhibits the abdominals ability to stabilize through the crunch phase.  You can see the player's lower body getting closer to the ball during the swing.


Reverse “C” Finish:

Finishing the swing in a full hyperextension (big arch in the back) position puts undue compressive and shear loads on the lumbar vertebrae (lower right facets). 


Restricted Right Leg Follow-Through:

This is a bigger deal than most people think due to the large deceleration torque created in the lower back and spine. You should be able to count all the spikes on the bottom of their right shoe from down the line after impact! 

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